While we have nothing but love for the C30, apparently there has been a love it or hate it reaction to the car at recent auto shows. Volvo has come up with an interesting new ad campaign to harness the polarized reactions to promote its new premium hatchback. Using the tag line, “That’s one opinion. What’s yours?,” Volvo is breaking the 4th wall in its new commercials and asking people what they think of the C30’s styling. And the company isn’t cherry-picking the results, either. Apparently, it’s OK for some people to dislike the car.
The campaign, which includes 16 short films, started in the UK and will be used in the States later in 2007. The theme of the series is “Product of free will.” You can see all 16 shorts now at volvocars.com/freewill. This interactive website is pretty cool with an animated figure loving the car and then vomiting on it after some contemplation. For every 10-second negative clip, there’s an equal length positive one though.

EuroRSCG Fuel of London is responsible for the ads. They say that the goal of the ads was to get younger buyers to think about Volvo… period. Admitting the car isn’t for everybody just makes the appeal more authentic. It’s been pretty well received so far because a lot of people have said they feel a direct connection to the message. Like Volvo is talking directly to them. Check it out for yourself and leave your own review. [Automotive News, sub req]